58 new site onland.nu
There is no news only this: my new site about Onland, my novel. look at
by Jan Schouten - read the story
There is no news only this: my new site about Onland, my novel. look at
Posted by
Jan Schouten
Labels: novel, onland. book
Pancake is the english translation of the dutch word "pannenkoek".
The most famous dutch soccer player Marco van Basten recently had the surprise of his life after another bad match of his side. An eloquent hooligan addressed him, only saying this "with all due respect you are a pannenkoek(pancake)." (rightly so, because Marco is a bad trainer)
This is a nice statement you can use safely everywhere:
"with all due respect you are a pannenkoek(pancake)."
Reading about this in my KLM plane back from a trip to Bangkok and Beijing I laughed my head off.
What effect can you expect when adressing someone this way?
Big effect. Someone said it to mr Balkenende, prime minister, and this man was so impressed that hij decided to undo his blockade of the parlementary research into the way he led our country into the treacherous war with Iraq.
Yes our Primeminister has been succesfully pancaked. Van Balkenende justifiably can be called pannenkoek now, the same way like van Basten, that other pannenkoek.
Posted by
Jan Schouten
Labels: pancake klm