Monday, 28 May 2007

14 In the air to Beijing may 21

14 I take the habitual caf'e along the conveyor belt. The walking machine seems to be powered by a human voice:" Mind your steps. Mind your steps." The only reason why I hear the
alto is because , when sitting behind a natural salad. I missed her. Its a good sign. I remenber sitting here a couple of flights to China ago, so mad and tired and longing for the acrobat that i soon had to cut loose, that I could not hear anything else but that woman: Mind your steps.
But times have changed and I changed with them. I enjoy a forbidden cigar, feeling strong
within my boundaries. And of course I relish the memory of the first time I sat here: with Ton, Michiel, John Zang, Henk Mees. October 17 th 2006. Michiel , ceo Yourzine was paving the way Yourzine
is a internetmarketing tool, leading in Holland, part of Lectric, the leading internetfirm. They started 11 months ago and now have their YourzineChina operational with 20 people: software
specialists and commercial types. Ceo of YourzineChina is mr Hardy. A friend, a gentleman.
In the process of building our SchoutenChina we owe Hardy and Michiel a lot. And of course also
Jan Hein. Very much. In the pioneerstage of YourzineChina he phoned me from BEIJINH aiport: "Pa, drop everyting and come over. Here is life."That was march 2007. It took more than 7 months
before I persuaded myself to go. But that was oktober 17 2006.
Waiting for my journey to the gate f9 that will lead me to the KL897 I decided to spoil
myself and changed places. I jumped in a feauteuil of The Casinobar, an appetizer of Holland Casino. From the widebody screen CNN is burning. After a 200 persons killed at different
places of war- always with some American support- the smart so called independent CNN
gives the real important news. In the bay of San Francisco there develops a major contingency. Daphne and her babydaughther lost their way. Two whales. But they are swiming now in the righth direction, to the sea , away from the US Coast. There is that voice over: This a happy experience, we all know humpbacks are an endangered species! Then back to Gaza and
Bagdad and the other nice places for an updated bodycount. And Hoppa! there is that smile
again on the cool and seemingly undersexed face of the anchorwoman. Because life is not that
bad and we get immediate proof: a bunch of one armed and one legged children all african
and dancing in their american outfits a sweet litlle dance. There is a board behind them. "The
power of love." Silly americans, silly everybody. The untamed power of love is as poisonous
and killing like an irritated snake. My god I thing, what will happen to me, us, when
the US start loving Holland?

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