Monday, 28 January 2008

42 Schouten China progress

It is 22.11 o'clock and I am wondering: how do I feel?
Answer: fine, very fine.
But before I enter this subject I want to thank the many many viewers
of this Blog for paying attention. Great.

There are many factors that contribute to the ghusts of energy pouring through
my veins, but one important one is the development in China.
Some highlights:

a. the staff is nearly complete and led by Chris Jiang will ride the waves in 2008 for the
first full budgetary year. The staff counts 12 persons, ranging from the competent Management
team, marketing and sales manager to B2B abd B2C accountmanagers.

b. Ton Voogt conducted the first Assertiveness Training In China, while Tineke Kanters and Colleagues are nearing the end of our first Train the Trainer programm. Succesful.

c. We enlarged our office and the coming weeks the great website Nr2 and brochures(also
second version) will be ready. Marketing and sales programmes are of a quality that easily
surpass Western Standards.

d. From januari 10-20 I visited China and participated in a 2 1/2 day strategic meeting. All staff
present. I am enthousiastic about the energy the team radiates. They know: softskills and
leadershipstraning are and will be in high demand in China the coming 10 and more years, a
weldocumented and proven fact. The team knows: "there is only one factor that can beat this
team and that is the team itself."
I am very patient, it does not help to cry"grow" in order
to help the grass to grow. We from Schouten&Nelissen know that the building of Schouten&Nelissen has a long leadtime. No problem, but I will go on convincing the Chinese
colleagues . That is necessary. because they are very eager.

e. The first B2B projects achieved their objectives. Many proposals are in the process of preparation.

So I feel grateful.
No blockades. We will go on. I will go on