Sunday 4 November 2007

29 exit slipperslane and a riddle

The person I rented my appartment from sold it. Wow, after 4 months. Legally she was entitled to do so. Bad contract. She kicked me out with two months rent for cash. But I did not move, until a new place was found. "Was found"..not by me.
"You have to move."
"I won't."
"You have to."
"I won't move."

Slipperslane was more to me than just a dwelling. It embodied a lot of hopes.
Now I got a new flat. Good contract. But not my place. So a couple days ago I left China somewhat earlier than expexted. Out of the cold. Like 80 percent of Beijing houses mine also is on city heating. But that collective good starts only to work november 15. So quite democratically temperature inside every home is the same as outside. (6 Celsius). I left for this cold. But also for the shivering that always follows success, when the warm sweat is no longer needed.
SchoutenChina had a good presentation on october 24. My old book on assertiveness translated in Chinese and presented to the Ambassador and by him to alle kinds of Chinese people in the Educational field, had a fair reception. Chris Jiang started as CEO. Structure and Bupla are
in the minds. I now can retreat for the real champions: Tonio, Gonnie, Tineke, the Chinese Colleages. I Can retreat to my usual position: outside.

I was thinking of Beijing: Just offices and places to be offices. If you dont work in one of the cublicles: very boring. Holland is better. Maybe bring China to Holland.

Riddle: who said this (): "

" To be morally good it is not required to act in such a way that it benefits others. Morality does not need a social definition....People like me()want to satisfy fully their own hearts and doing so we follw automatically the highest moral codes. Of course there are people and things things in the world, but they are there only for my use...I have no duty to others...only to my self...."

No it is not Ayn Rand or any other Gurus of US capitalism

I am looking out over the lake. Its warm in my room. The air is clear.I am thinking of Beijing: Sunday, cold sunday. Yes, better to bring China to Holland.

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