Saturday, 10 November 2007

30 riddle

"I have no duty to others, only to myself"

Who said that?
Mao, when 24.

This according to Jung Chang and Jon Halliday in Mao, The unknown story, 2005.
Of course the gracious Jung Chang is not a friend of Mao and his friends (read her Wild Swans). But this book is well documented, so Mao'statement might be true.

But what does his philosophy mean? Theory without practice is rubbish. So : Did the then 24 odd year old Mao put these words into practice or not? And how?

I will and can not answer this question. But maybe my life would be more easy if I had more Mao in me..and maybe life would have been better for many Chinese if Mao had had more Jan Schouten in his soul.

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